The Ministry of SMEs and Startups of Korea (MSS Korea) and the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of Indonesia (KemenkopUKM). Host the 4th KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition for SDGs 2023. This Competition is organized by ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center, the ASEAN-ROK S&T Cooperation Center, and Green Business Center. The 4th KOREA-ASEAN Business Model Competition fo SDGs 2023 primary objective is to empower Startups to grow and compete by providing the opportunities for business scale-up and networking as well as contributing with the spread of SDGs sector.
In the BMC 2023, there are 259 applications from 11 ASEAN countries and Korea. All the delegates and participants has been going through to the first and second evaluation. Only top 10 finalist who are selected being to final round and pitch business model to International judges and Ventures Capitalist investors at the Demo day event on 31st October 2023 at Ayana Hotel, Jakarta, Indonesia. The first winner of BMC 2023 will receive a benefit of a cash price of USD 5.000, the second winner will receive USD 3.000 and the third winner will get USD 1.000.
For their achievement in this competition, all the winners and the top 10 finalist of the Business Model Competition for SDGs 2023, will receive a recognition certificate from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs of Republic of Indonesia and the top 3 winners will have a privilege to use free co-working space at Green Business Center's office in Jakarta, Indonesia.